Setting/locating the cameras
When placing the cameras it is important that consideration is given to the location of the equipment, together with the reach of the camera lens.
The camera should be placed to be as unobtrusive as possible to the attending congregation. Unless the written consent of every member of the attending congregation has been obtained, or it is done in such a way that no individual is recognisable, the camera should not ‘pan' over the whole or part of the attending congregation. Instead, it should be placed to take in only a set area covering the pulpit and any other clearly signposted areas.
Filming/live streaming should avoid personal, close-up images of children who are best shot in wide angle and in groups (but only if prior written consent of parents/guardians has been obtained). If it is not possible to obtain such prior written consent, the camera must avoid children/adults at risk and therefore be angled away should there be any involvement of children/adults at risk during the service
Consider also the Health and Safety aspects of installing the equipment. Camera wires should be appropriately secured to prevent them becoming a trip hazard and electrical equipment should be PAT tested frequently.
Consideration should also be given to the visual impact the equipment will have on the sanctuary. For example, if a camera is to be fixed to a grey stone pillar, consider purchasing a camera unit that has a grey finish on the casing. Where possible, attach cameras in positions and heights that do not fall within the sightlines of congregation members looking at the front of the church. Where equipment cannot be installed discreetly and if budget allows, purchase smaller equipment that will minimise the visual impact and draw less attention. In all of this the right balance of budget, technical specifications and aesthetics will need to be considered.
Consider how wiring and cabling can be as invisible as possible. Can thin cable be placed within joins between bricks and grouted over? Is wireless an option? Can cables be made the same colour as the pillar, wooden panels or paintwork?