Statistics for Mission
Statistics for Mission is information for Church of Scotland parishes.

For every parish there is a unique file containing parish maps and data from the 2011 Scottish Census. The Census data is held by NRS (National Records of Scotland) and as more information is made available, the Statistics for Mission Group will update the PDF files.
To find the information for your parish, simply go to the Church Finder. Each parish has a Parish Statistics link which will take you to the file.
As the statistics help us understand who is in our communities, it can be a valuable tool for:
- Preparing parish profiles
- Mission planning
- Presbytery planning
- Informed community engagement
The Statistics for Mission Group is tasked with making Census data available to the Congregations, Presbyteries, Councils, Departments, and Committees of the Church.
To understand God's thoughts we must study statistics, for these are the measure of his purpose.
Florence Nightingale
Statistics for Mission have been produced to help your Church understand your own community better, because the more we understand our parishes – those that live in them and their needs – the more we can serve God in being effective in mission.
If there are any errors or omissions in the files, please address questions as follows:
- Boundaries: To the relevant Presbytery Clerk
- Church Finder or Church of Scotland data: email Craig Hawkins
- Census data: email Fiona Tweedie