Suitable and sufficient fire safety considerations
In order to achieve suitable fire safety standards, it is vital that the Charity Trustees and other nominated competent persons be committed to the basics of fire safety management.
The following key management areas should be addressed:
- Undertaking a fire safety risk assessment (FSRA) and acting on any identified risks
- Implementing Emergency Fire Evacuation Procedures and Arrangements, including fire drills and, where appropriate, salvage plans
- Providing key fire safety information, instruction, training and supervision to occupants as necessary to their extent of control over the building
- Implementing a suitable regime of maintenance and testing for all provided fire safety equipment, i.e. fire extinguishers, fire detection, alarm systems, fire exits, fixed and portable electrical systems, heating systems or similar installations likely to impact fire safety
- Recording and maintaining records of fire safety risk assessment findings, equipment inspection and maintenance regimes and fire safety training records
- Implementing general fire safety precautions and risk-reduction principles.
The Charity Trustees and other members of the congregation are best placed to carry out a FSRA, as they know their buildings best. A small group of volunteers should be tasked with undertaking this. It is the responsibility of all Charity Trustees to ensure that the outcomes from the FSRA are implemented. If the Charity Trustees do not feel that they are comfortable, confident, or competent to carry out a FSRA, please contact the Church of Scotland General Trustees or the COSIS for further advice and guidance.