Brexit prayers and reflections
As our political leaders continue to wrestle with divisions over Brexit and our changing position within Europe and beyond, we have written a series of prayers calling for congregations and communities to "come together" in prayer and reflection.
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland have also written a selection of prayers about Brexit which you can download and use for reflection.
Very Rev Dr Susan Brown invites churches to reflect on Brexit
Dear Friends,
It will not have escaped your attention that we are currently living through a time of tumultuous change in the United Kingdom's relationship with the European Union.
Across the country this change is having, and will continue to have, a profound impact on individual lives within our congregations and our communities.
A prayer in challenging times
Jo Love
Dear God,
we greet another day of these strange times.~
Like sitting in a city square at twilight,
at the mercy of unknown faces
making choices beyond our control,
we wonder what will come –
abandonment or care?
Isolation or generosity?
MaryAnn Rennie
God of all time,
You are preparing us for a future yet to be revealed.
Teach us to be a people willing to travel in opinion and practice rather than those marooned upon an island of uncertainty.
As politicians meet, in corridors, meetings rooms and coffee shops, may they look for common ground on new horizons where the needs of those they serve are best met.
Very Rev Dr Susan Brown
The date has arrived and it will pass.
My times are in thy hand
Like waiting for test results
it is unsettling, worrying.
To live not knowing, in a state of limbo.
My times are in thy hand
Iain McLarty
O God our refuge and our strength, our ever-present help in times of trouble.
As we wonder about whether we will have enough tins on our shelves, we pray for those struggling to put food on the table every single day.
As we wonder whether our job will be secure, we pray for those in communities with few jobs and few opportunities.
Wendy Lloyd
Gathering God,
who spoke words of comfort to Abram, pointing to a bright future that seemed so unlikely, as we wander this wilderness of Brexit uncertainty, bewildered and confused, frustrated and angry,
help us all hear Your words beyond the chaos and din: ‘Do not be afraid, I am your shield.' Christ with us, Christ within us Christ behind us, Christ before us.
Martin Johnstone
God, present in the wilderness,
in these challenging and uncertain times, we pray with those who feel cut off and excluded:
those who fear that the place they belong is less like home; those who worry that the little they have needs to stretch even further; we pray for those whose concerns are present and tangible; and those whose worries are imagined but just as acute.