Presbytery Mission Plan Implementation Group (PMPIG) Facilitators
The Presbytery Mission Plan Implementation Group (PMPIG) meets monthly to review proposed bases of adjustment. The Group also assists Presbyteries with implementing the new Mission Plan Act.

Dr Karen Katrina Campbell – Convener
Karen was ordained in 1997 at St Giles' Cathedral and called to be a Minister at Marchmont St Giles' in 2002. She helped build the Church Centre and to open the Butterflies Café, a base of mission and pastoral care for everyone.
Experience: Karen is Vice Convener of the Faith Nurture Forum, having previously been Convener of Safeguarding. She has also served on the Board of Ministry and has been Convener of the Candidate Supervision Committee. Her experience also includes developing the Ministerial Review as a resource for the Church and serving on both the Edinburgh Finance Committee and the Deployment of Resources Committee. Karen has also co-written many of the Safeguarding papers as well as "A Theology of Marriage Report to General Assembly 2009". She was Moderator of Edinburgh Presbytery in 2014/15.
Rev Jonathan C Fleming
Jonathan was ordained in Erskine Parish Church in November 2012, during which time he also served as Chaplain to the Erskine Veterans Village. In 2017, he moved to Cumbrae linked with Largs: St John's before answering a call to Lyle Kirk in Greenock in 2021. Since 2020, he has served as the National Chaplain to the Girls' Brigade in Scotland.
Experience: Jonathan is a Vice Convener of the Faith Action Programme Leadership (FAPLT) in his capacity as Convener of the Mission Support Programme Group (MSPG). He also served on Ministries Council from 2013-2017 as a part of the Training Task Group as well as the Priority Areas and Chance to Thrive Task Groups. Jonathan has convened a number of Presbytery Committees over the years, be it Ministries in the Presbytery of Greenock and Paisley, Stewardship & Finance and Parish Appraisal in the Presbytery of Ardrossan or the Presbytery Planning Committee of Clyde Presbytery.

Mrs Barbara Finlayson
Barbara is an Elder and Safeguarding Coordinator at The New Town Church in Edinburgh. She is also an Equalising Elder at Presbytery.
Experience: Barbara is a retired solicitor. She has served on PMPIG since its inception. Barbara was a member of the Faith Nurture Forum throughout its existence and is a past member and Vice Convener of the Legal Questions Committee. Currently, she serves as a Trustee of the Housing and Loan Fund and as a member of the Registration of Ministries Committee. Separately, she chairs a small annuity and grant-awarding charity based in Edinburgh.

Rev Scott Rennie
Scott was ordained to the ministry in Brechin Cathedral, Angus in 1999 and served as minister there for 10 years. In 2009 he was called to be the minister in the charge where been a probationer minister - Queen's Cross Church, in his native Aberdeen. In 2022 Scott received the call to as minister at Crown Court Church in Covent Garden, London.
Experience: Scott is the current Vice Chair of the General Trustees. He has a particular interest in how congregations can use and adapt their buildings for ministry and mission and make them sustainable assets for the future. He has much experience of Presbytery Planning, having served as Planning Convener in both Angus and Aberdeen and Shetland Presbyteries.

Rev Lorna Tunstall
Lorna was ordained in 2020 to the linked parish of Brora and Helmsdale in the beautiful Sutherland Highlands. She worked in these two distinct parishes to help re-establish a ministerial presence Lorna is now Parish minister at Broughty Ferry Parish Church, a four- way union.
Experience: Lorna's previous profession was as a Project Manager within the Telecoms Industry. Lorna served as planning convener within Sutherland Presbytery. Served as Interim Moderator for Dornoch Cathedral and latterly for Monifieth South Angus. Lorna has served on the World Mission Council and has represented the Church of Scotland at several overseas events. Lorna is currently serving as a member of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge (SSPCK) committee.

Rev Alistair May
Alistair has been a parish minister for 23 years, and minister of Motherwell: Dalziel St Andrews since 2020. He shortly anticipates leading the congregation into a union with Motherwell Crosshill.
Experience: Prior to joining PMPIG, Alistair was Co-Convener of planning at Presbytery of Forth Valley and Clydesdale, as well as being involved in planning with Glasgow Presbytery in his previous charge. He has also served on Mission and Discipleship Council, Panel on Doctrine, and as Vice Convener of Legal Questions.

Rev Katherine Taylor
Katherine is the Minister of Tranent Parish Church in East Lothian where she was inducted in 2021, her first charge. The congregation is part of the current Growing Young project in the Presbytery of Lothian and Borders.
Experience: Katherine was a solicitor working in the area of employment law. After a career break, she became Clerk to the Management Board of Telford College before it became Edinburgh College. She is currently Vice -Convener of the Legal Questions Committee.

Rev James Reid
Jim Ministered in 2 Congregational Churches in Aberdeen then the Black Isle. Moving to the C of S in 1997 to Kinghorn, which united with Burntisland to form a new Union in 2024, of which Jim is Minister.
Experience: Jim has just finished service as Moderator of the Presbytery of Fife. He served as Interim Ministry Convener under the Ministries Council. He served in various roles in Kirkcaldy Presbytery and now in Fife.

Mr Dan Gunn OBE
Dan is an elder at Dunblane St Blane's and Nominations Convener in the Presbytery of Perth having been Oversight Convener in the former Presbytery of Stirling. He has been an Interim Moderator since 2010. Nationally he has served on the Church and Society Council and the Nominations Committee. He joined PMPIG in the summer of 2023.
Experience: Dan worked for 38 years in the Scottish Prison Service retiring in 2014 as Director of Operations having been governor of five different establishments. He retains a keen interest in all matters relating to Crime and Justice and still gives talks to various church groups. A former deputy chair of Sacro, he is chair of both Forth Valley Inclusion and of the Supporting Offenders with Learning Disabilities Advisory Group.