Christian stewardship recognises that everything we have belongs to God and that we are called to care for all that God has given to us. We are honoured to be given this role.
Intentional and meaningful stewardship in every aspect of our lives brings honour to God, helps us grow as followers of Jesus and furthers God's mission in the world.
To help your congregation widen and develop its understanding of effective stewardship, we offer a range of resources, practical guidance, promotional material and the services of our stewardship team.
For further information, email or call the Stewardship and Finance Department on 0131 225 5722.
Meet the team
The stewardship team is available to advise and support churches in relation to Christian stewardship: providing resources, offering practical solutions and encouraging generosity in all aspects of life in response to God's abundant love.
As well as developing their own specialisms, each consultant serves as the key stewardship contact for their designated Presbyteries, building up local knowledge and forming links with the congregations in those areas.
The team can help with the promotion of effective stewardship through engaging and flexible teaching and worship resources, focussed programmes, event facilitation and practical giving solutions. These services are provided free of charge to support congregations in this vital work.

Fiona Penny
Key contact for the Presbyteries of North East & The Northern Isles, Clèir Eilean Ì: Highlands and Hebrides, Lewis.
- Email:
- Phone: 07891 479809
Darren Philip
Key contact for the Presbyteries of The South West, Glasgow, Forth Valley & Clydesdale.
- Email:
- Phone: 07740 414404

Katherine Southern
Key contact for the Presbyteries of Clyde, Fife, Perth.
- Email:
- Phone: 07741 903660
Pauline Wilson
Key contact for the Presbyteries of Edinburgh & West Lothian, Lothian & Borders, England, International Charges, Jerusalem.
- Email:
- Phone: 07776 589390

We look forward to hearing from you and working with you.