13 November
This week's Worship of the Week is the Remembrance Sunday service from St Giles High Kirk with Rev Sigrid Marten, Associate Minister of St Giles' and preaching from Rt Rev Sally Foster-Fulton, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
Weekly Worship prayer for the week: 13 November, 2023
Prayer John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled,
and do not let them be afraid.
We read in the book of Micah in the Old Testament:
"What does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God."
Let us pray:
We meet in the presence of God.
We commit ourselves to work in penitence and faith
for reconciliation in our families, communities and nation,
that all people may, together,
live in freedom, justice and peace.
We pray for all who, in bereavement, disability and pain
continue to suffer the consequences of fighting and terror.
We remember with thanksgiving and sorrow
those whose lives,
in world wars and conflicts past and present,
have been given and taken away.