13 August
Worship of the Week this week comes from Rev Chris Kellock and the congregation of Crown Court Church, London.
Prayer for the week: 13 August, 2023
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Before the world began,
You loved us.
Before You had created us,
You were faithful to us.
And we, as Your people, are thankful
for Your great and abiding love,
shown again and again down the ages.
You have never abandoned us,
even when we have abandoned You.
You have never forgotten us,
even when we have strayed far from the path.
We praise You, faithful God,
for the steadfast love which has always guided us,
for the promise which has never faltered,
for the light which has lightened our way,
for the story which has reminded us of those who came before us.
For Your steadfast love and mercies new with each morning,
We join with one the voice
To give You praise and thanks.