When we meet with people we know we would rarely pounce upon them with a list of apologies or requests. Usually, we would take the time to say hello, look at the person, shake hands, offer a drink of something or some food and ask how they are.
Similarly in prayer we might look for ways to say hello to God. This could simply involve being quiet for a short moment, reading something from the Book of Psalms or focusing your attention on your breathing.
Prayers written by others, like Pray Now, can be of great help. Other ways are lighting a candle to welcome Christ the Light, settling into a favourite chair or making a hot drink symbolising a desire to rest with God.
It may be worth remembering that we never have to come into God’s presence because we are always with God. Times of prayer are simply more intentional moments to make ourselves aware of the ever-present love of God, to remember that 'in Him we live and move and have our being' (acts ch 17 v 28).
Each of these hellos remind us that we have started a conversation with someone important to us and will help us to resist the things that might pull our attention away from spending this time with God.