Planning and preparation
Planning and preparation are vital for any mission trip and thinking about safeguarding should be an integral part of this planning process.
Mission workers/volunteers should be recruited through a safe recruitment process and PVG or DBS checks and/or self-disclosures should be sought where appropriate (PVG and DBS when someone is undertaking regulated work - the Safeguarding Service can help determine what is regulated work).
It is advisable to ensure that participating individuals have been known to the Church for at least six months and references should be taken up.
There should be a written Code of Conduct, to which workers/volunteers give their signed consent during the induction process and preparation/induction should include safeguarding training. Every presbytery has a Presbytery Safeguarding Contact who is responsible for organising safeguarding training for volunteers and paid workers in the congregation. If staff from the National Office requires safeguarding training, please contact the Safeguarding Service for further information.
Prior to the trip, a provisional itinerary should be drawn up. The itinerary may be subject to change due to local circumstances and conditions, but it will give everyone an idea of what to expect.
A risk assessment should then be undertaken looking at the risks involved in the trip, including safeguarding risks, and how they will be managed.