Safeguarding contact
- Raise awareness and promote the benefits of safeguarding training within your presbytery and be the lead contact for Safeguarding Coordinators in terms of reporting their training needs
- Identify all safeguarding training needs throughout the Presbytery and, in consultation with Trainers and the Safeguarding Administrator, plan an annual programme of courses to meet identified need
- Liaise with existing Safeguarding Trainers, Administrators and the National Safeguarding Training Officer to assess whether there are sufficient Safeguarding trainers to meet current and future needs
- Liaise with Safeguarding Trainers and the National Safeguarding Training Officer where there are reported concerns about the quality of training
- Arrange meetings 2-3 times per year with trainers, administrators and coordinators
- Keep up to date with developments in safeguarding and represent your Presbytery at safeguarding conferences and roadshows
- Be the lead for liaising with other committees in presbytery regarding the running of Local Church Reviews and any other aspects of Presbytery business
- Liaise with the Safeguarding Administrator to ensure that annual statistics or any other requests for statistics made by the Safeguarding Service are met
- Ensure Safeguarding Trainers are adequately resourced and supported to enable them to present courses.