Celebrate Easter with the Church of Scotland
Published on 9 April 2020
Easter may not look the same this year as it has in years gone by at your local church, but people across the length and breadth of the Kirk are working hard to ensure that we're all still able to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ as we approach Easter Sunday.

Here are just some of the ways you can stay connected over the Easter weekend:
- The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Rt Rev Colin Sinclair, and his wife Ruth will be delivering a daily reflection live on the Moderator's Facebook page at 10am each day, Monday to Friday.
- You can also find some inspiration to start your day with our daily prayers, blessings and reflections on the Church of Scotland Facebook page and on Twitter. We'll also be updating our #ThisIsChurch Twitter moment to collate all of the wonderful things we see our churches doing during the coming days and weeks.
- On Good Friday, Rt Rev Colin Sinclair will offer a pre-recorded captioned reflection which will be available on the Church of Scotland YouTube channel and on the Moderator's Facebook page.
- On the morning of Easter Sunday, Rt Rev Colin Sinclair will deliver a video sermon and prayers, which will be available from 7:30am on the Church of Scotland Facebook page as well as on the Church of Scotland YouTube channel.
- On the evening of Easter Sunday, Christians are invited to join in prayer at 7pm. We will be providing a prayer in both English and Gaelic which will be available from Friday evening on the Church of Scotland website.
- You can also find our Easter Weekly Worship materials on our website, which includes prayers, sermon ideas and musical suggestions for those leading (virtual) worship this weekend.
BBC One Scotland's ‘Reflections at the Quay' will offer a half-hour televised ecumenical service featuring Rt Rev Colin Sinclair and Archbishop Leo Cushley at 12pm. You can catch up with the last episode on BBC iPlayer.
Drama Kirk's Passion Play

Drama Kirk might not be taking to the streets of Hamilton and East Kilbride as planned this year to share ‘The Passion of Jesus' with their local communities, but they have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure they can still bring The Passion to Lanarkshire – and beyond.
A smaller-scale version of the play has been recorded and will be broadcast on YouTube for everyone to watch for free on Good Friday and Easter Saturday.
‘The Passion of Jesus' will be broadcast on Hamilton Old Parish Church's YouTube channel on:
- Good Friday (Friday 10 April) from 3:15pm until 4:15pm
- Easter Saturday (Saturday 11 April) from 2:30pm-3:30pm
Drama Kirk hopes to have British Sign Language interpretation during the Easter Saturday performance.
Local church services
Many local churches across the Church of Scotland will also be streaming their Easter Sunday worship services online.
For a list of some of those who are regularly streaming services through video, audio or catch-up, please visit our Kirk Services Online page.
As many churches are new to offering online worship it is also worth checking your local church's website or social media channels to see what they are offering during this time.
Sanctuary First
Sanctuary First, an online worshipping community led by Very Rev Albert Bogle, is running the following events this weekend and over the coming weeks:
- On Good Friday from 9pm-10pm: A live chat show, The Friday Night Review, goes out live on the Sanctuary First Facebook page. This is also streamed live to the Sanctuary First website.
- On Easter Sunday from 3pm: Sanctuary First's Easter Sunday service will be available to stream live on their website.
- Every day from 10am-12pm: The newly launched Virtual Coffee Shop is running. To find out more or how to get involved, please email Very Rev Albert Bogle.
‘The Internet Passion'
On Good Friday, Rev Dr Robin Hill, minister for Gladsmuir and Longniddry parish churches in East Lothian and member of the much-loved Heart & Soul Swing Band, will be hosting ‘The Internet Passion'; a combination of Bible readings, music and narration. Its purpose is to present St Mark's account of Holy Week in a new light.

The original intention had been to mark Good Friday with a large-scale event with the 20-piece Heart & Soul Swing Band, combining Bible readings, dramatic narrations and an original set of 12-bar blues instrumentals, entitled ‘The Blues Passion', before the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted their plans.
Now, Robin has come up with creative high-tech ways of combining contributions from a variety of musicians, sound engineers, singers and church members.
"It's been quite a journey," said Robin.
"Everyone involved in creating ‘The Internet Passion' hopes that listeners near and far will feel part of a wider congregation as, together, we walk the way of Jesus through the story of Holy Week."
‘The Internet Passion' will be available from Good Friday on the Longniddry Parish Church website.
Keep up to date with our COVID-19 guidance
For more information and advice, please keep up to date with our ‘Advice for Churches: COVID-19 (Coronavirus)' web page. This dedicated section of the website will be constantly monitored and revised as new guidance is issued from the Scottish and UK Governments.
We're always interested to hear what our local churches are up to, so if you'd like to share what your church is doing to support your communities during this time, please email Media Relations.
We can't promise we will be able to use your news, but we are always appreciative of keeping in touch with our congregations.
If there is something you would particularly like more information on let us know, too, and we will try to signpost you to the right place.