Moderator shares prayer for Syria
Published on 11 October 2019
Following reports of renewed conflict in Syria, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Rt Rev Colin Sinclair, shares a prayer for peace and protection in the region.

Dear God,
We pray for Syria.
As war is waged, allegiances changed, and lives are lost,
we watch in horror and turn to you.
As hundreds of thousands of people are displaced,
as those of different faiths live fearing the actions of their neighbour,
as hope fades fast,
we watch in horror and turn to you.
Holding Syria close to our hearts,
we turn to you and ask that here might be peace in the land;
that our world leaders might have the wisdom, empathy and courage to strive for it;
and that you would be with those in the midst of this war sowing the seeds of Peace,
offering your protection and comfort.
In Jesus name we pray,
Calling for an end to the violence
Rev Dr Richard Frazer, convener of the Church and Society Council of the Church of Scotland, said:
"As the world watches reports of Turkish forces moving into northern Syria, we are deeply concerned for the loss of lives and destruction of homes that will have a devastating impact on the local population.
"Diverse communities who have called this home for centuries are threatened with violence and religious persecution.
"Once again many thousands of people may be forced to flee from their homes in fear and will end up being displaced in other parts of Syria, or forced to survive in unsafe and unhealthy refugee camps.
"The Church calls on the international community to take swift action to end the violence and seek peace."
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