Fresh Expressions
Creative ideas for different parts of worship: In order to navigate the vast worship resources available we have offered a few examples or settings. The examples of different 'ingredients' for worship in seven potential contexts given in each context are in no way prescriptive, but just some ideas to help get you started. To enable mixing and matching for each situation, and encourage creativity. Visit the Fresh Expressions website.
Engage Worship
Resources for innovative and creative worship.This site offers creative worship ideas for every week of the year. Bob Hartman stories and poems. Visit the Engage Worship website.
Fischy Music

Fischy Music produce resources suitable for all-age worship, Sunday school groups, uniformed organisations and community groups. These include songs, videos, sheet music, backing tracks, lesson plans and suggested group activities. The resources are available by annual subscription to an online streaming service Songs for Life or on discs available from their online shop. Songs for Life includes a search facility with which you can find all the material for a wide range of topics.
Fischy also offer training workshops for adults working with primary-aged children in church contexts including Sunday school and community groups. They help participants explore the power of song and equip them to use Fischy resources regardless of musical confidence or expertise. Training workshops last from 60-90 minutes and work best in groups of 20-70 adults. They also offer childrens' workshops and all-age church and community concerts. For more information, email Fischy music or visit their website.
Barnabas Children's Ministry
Barnabas Children's Ministry - A wealth of ideas for children's and all-age work
Godly Play
Godly Play is a movement to influence the Churches' support of spiritually rich practices with children and adults. It is a creative and imaginative approach to Christian nurture.
Christian Values in Education
Christian Values in Education (CVE Scotland) is a Scottish charity / organisation that provides advice, networking and resources for teachers and for others who support schools (schools workers, parents,
chaplains and churches).