Children and young people

Our children and young people pages provide information and resources to support church engagement and ministry with children and young people.
For information on the National Youth Assembly, General Assembly Youth Reps, international trips, and the COSY collective fund, dive into the Young Adults section.
For worship materials, faith development, employment and volunteering for youth ministry, explore In Your Church. For school chaplaincy, toddler groups, holiday clubs, and GIRFEC , visit In Your Community.
Aspirations for Ministry
One of the comments heard most often from local churches is "How can we get more children and young people in our church?" The answer is simple (and yet terrifying) - the whole church needs to change.
Aspirations for Ministry is a resource designed to help congregations, and the wider Church, develop ministry with children and young people.
Connect with us
Visit our Connect page to find out more about our children and young people development workers, local presbytery contacts, recent updates, and Facebook group.