Shaping the work of the church with children and young people in the Church of Scotland.
The Church seeks to support and stimulate ministry with children and young people in churches and communities.
Meet the Team
Suzi Farrant Young People and Young Adult's Development Worker

Suzi has worked for the Church of Scotland since April 2012. She works to connect, resource and inspire congregations across Scotland in their ministry with young people. This involves running conferences, producing resources, and connecting with people in congregations who are working to develop their ministry with young people.
She also works with young adults, engaging them in the wider work of the Church of Scotland, primarily through the National Youth Assembly and General Assembly youth rep. programmes. She has over 20 years' experience of ministry with children and young people (she started young!) in places as diverse as London, Southampton, Brazil, Taiwan, Glasgow, Linlithgow and Dunfermline.
To contact Suzi, you can get her by email: or by telephone: 0131 225 5722 ext 2383.
Isobel Booth-Clibborn Children's Development Worker

Isobel has been with the Church since August 2016. She works to connect, resource, and inspire congregations across Scotland in their work with children. This involves running conferences, producing resources, and connecting with people in congregations who are working to develop their ministry with children.
She has a lifetime of commitment and involvement in children's ministry, having worked as a Children and Youth Officer for a Diocese in England. She also had an international role developing networks of churches and Christian organisations involved with children in Africa. She has been involved with many local, national, and international organisations promoting improved church engagement and ministry to children.
To contact Isobel, you can get her by email: or by telephone: 0131 225 5722 ext 2383
Presbytery Children/ Youth/ Family Contacts
A number of Presbyteries have appointed a worker to support work with children, young people and families for all churches across the Presbytery. They can act as a central point of coordination for children's work, offer advice and support to individual congregations as well as organise Presbytery wide training and events.
- Abernethy - Gillian Orr - Presbytery Youth Worker -
- Argyll - vacant
- Edinburgh - vacant
- Edinburgh - Liam Fraser - Edinburgh University Campus Ministry -
- Glasgow - Karen Wallace - Youth Development Coordinator -
- Glasgow - Dawn Barrett - Volunteer Coordinator -
- Gordon - Vicky Stigant -
- West Lothian- Ewen Glen -
- Annandale and Eskdale - Donna Hislop -
We would love to resource and support you in your work with children and young people and share stories of what is happening across the countries. Do connect with us in the following ways:
We have a regular newsletter with all the information on our upcoming events and available resources regarding children and youth work.
Now You're Talking Facebook Group
This is a great way for us to keep in touch and share info/ideas/questions/thoughts, do join the conversation on our Facebook group.
We have signposted loads of resources on our Pinterest page so do have a look.