August Stories
Young people and youth workers share their stories of contributing to society, youth cafes, trips abroad, and discussing ecumenism and end of life issues.

80 young people explore ecumenism, social media and end of life issues
The National Youth Assembly had a fantastic four days away with 80 17-25 year olds. They had great fellowship, worship and explored End of Life, Being Ecumenical and Social Media issues.
There were also young people from Zomba Presbytery, Malawi and Tripoli in Lebanon.
National Youth Assembly member performs at opening concert for Edinburgh International Festival
National Youth Assembly member Rebecca Pennykid performed at the opening concert of the Edinburgh International Festival as a member of the National Youth Choir of Scotland. She joined three professional soloists to sing her solo
Rebecca was thrilled at the opportunity, saying: "As an aspiring professional singer, stepping to the front of the Usher Hall's stage to sing solo in the opening concert was an exciting and encouraging moment. Singing alongside such talented musicians, including some of my closest friends in the choir, was a real privilege. I started singing in the NYCoS West Lothian Area Choir aged seven''.
Teenagers trip to Taize, Africa
The Scots Kirk in Paris sponsored a group of 15 teenagers and their six youth workers, from Glasgow, for a week in Taize. It was a very positive experience for them - some with no church connection at all.
One girl who had never been out of Scotland or Glasgow cried and wanted to go back home on the first night. She ended up saying that it had been one of the best experiences of her life and has already signed up to go to Taize next year.
Stories from local churches

- Rory (aged 11) Dalmuir Barclay Church: "Mini Youth Group has helped us become more involved and aware of what's going on in the local community. On one occasion we visited the Old Folk's home to plant bulbs to brighten up the garden to make it look nice, made and took in Easter cards and held a games afternoon with the local elderly which we and them really enjoyed. It made me feel good about myself and realise I can have a positive impact on others. Mini Youth group teaches us to share our opinions and thoughts."
- Ewan (aged 16) Newhaven Parish Church: Ewan is an IT expert and shared his skills with the Church by testing all of the spare tech that was lying around and gave a great report on what should be done with it to the Church.
- The Youth Vestry, from Kilmore Church on the Isle of Skye, scaled the hills of northern Scotland this summer in their latest fundraising effort to ‘conquer Everest'.
- The Girls Brigade were out and about promoting GB as the place to BEE at the European Championships. They also had a big GB125 Celebration Praise in the Caird Hall, Dundee.
- Brechin Cathedral are involving children and young people in a project to make the largest model of a church children from local schools will also have a chance to lay a brick and be part of the Brechin 2020 project.
Youth leaders tell their stories
Kim from Lenzie Union Parish Church
"We run a youth café for secondary age young people. One inspiring individual invites all their friends to youth café. Most of these have no connection to the church. It is great to see how a personal invitation makes a great difference to someone's life. We can learn so much about sharing faith from young people in our churches as they are prepared to step out of their comfort zone."
Julie Torrance Holy Trinity – St Andrews
"I didn't grow up in a Christian home. However, there was a church in the area who had a vision and mission to reach young people to Christ. They invested in a mini-bus to collect children and bring them to church and Sunday school. It was because of this that I came to faith. As a result, I grew up attending Church. God placed people into my life who help disciple me and now I disciple others. I feel passionately that all children have a right to hear the gospel and now work as a children's and family worker. We have no idea the seeds we might be sowing."
Gillian Alvie & Insh
"I am so thankful to God for the amazing young people in my youth group. Every year we have gone to Soul Survivor Scotland and they have come back ready to face the future with joy and confidence in their faith. Five of them will be running S.U. groups in their schools this year and others will be heading off the Uni/College – bold and enthusiastic and unashamed of their faith in Jesus! Hallelujah."