Exploring the Bible with under fives

How do we provide the best possible welcome for the youngest children in our faith community?
"Very early experiences are fundamental to our development as human beings. This is the case in faith development as in all other areas of life. So it's important that the church makes good provision for babies and toddlers, in the same way that it makes provision for other members of the community." Victoria Goodman, ROOTS early years specialist.
How we welcome and get to know children in our faith community is crucial to their faith development.
Leader resources
- Many Scripture Union Holiday Club materials have resources for use with under 5s
- ROOTS publish new material every week for leaders to use to engage with very young children in their community
Messy Church
Messy Church is an all-age expression of church that encourages families to come together, to make, to eat and to celebrate God.

Diddy Disciples
Diddy Disciples is an exciting new Lectionary-based resource which is recommend for churches working with babies and toddlers. It can be used on a Sunday morning, or as outreach in a mid-week group.
This resource uses songs, actions, repetition, and movement. Written by a priest and theologian who is also a mum with small children, it is thoroughly road-tested and comes highly recommended.
Children's Play Areas
Young children learn through looking, touching and playing. In a Christian faith based play area, children are surrounded by and play with images of the Christian faith. Experiencing aspects of the Christian faith and worship through objects, symbols and play can be an important part of their growing up in the Christian faith. Visit the Children's Play Areas section of the Spirtiual Child website