For Few or No Kids 2016

In 2016, 4 conferences were held across the country for Churches with no or few children – exploring new ways of reaching out and connecting with children in local communities. Each conference was fully booked reflecting keen interest in exploring new ways to work with children and young people:
- Glasgow 90 people; 24 Presbyteries
- Inverness – 70 people; 10 Presbyteries
- Dumfries – 60 people; 11 Presbyteries
- Edinburgh – 110 people; 23 Presbyteries
Suzi Farrant, the Youth and Young Adults Worker gave the Keynote on: Faith Formation of Children and Young People in the Church
- Download the Community of Faith 2016 Conference Handbook
- Download the Suggested Reading for those who work with Children and Young People

Key questions you could reflect on or discuss with a group after listening to the Keynote:
- What is the age profile of your church?
- How is faith being nurtured in your context?
- What things might you change or develop to be more effective in your work with children and young people?
- In your times of worship together can you develop opportunities that relate to spiritual styles?
Word /Emotion/Symbol/Action - How are children welcomed and included in your church?
- Are there new areas you might explore to help nurture faith? Eg Service/justice opportunities/Participation/Time for reflection/Rituals & rites of passage/Retreat experiences/Families sharing stories/Deep conversations/Adult relationships/Community