Lent to begin
Church members from across Christian denominations will begin marking the 40 day period of Lent starting on Ash Wednesday (14 February).
During this time, which ends on Maundy Thursday (28 March), Christians may fast, engage in Bible study groups, or give up some of their usual routine to give time to personal examination and to reflect on their relationship with God.

Across the Church of Scotland and our partner organisations there are a variety of ways to get involved.
Our Weekly Worship includes material that can be used for worship in all settings, including a reflection for the first Sunday in Lent from Rev Dr Jock Stein, retired minister.
The Church of Scotland website also has 'Stations of the Cross in time of war in Gaza', a set of prayers by Rev Muriel Pearson, Church of Scotland Mission Partner in Tiberias, alongside Scripture readings and the woodcuts ‘Ecce homo' by Margaret Adams Parker, who has graciously granted use of her work.
You might choose to use this resource during Holy Week and set up ‘stations' around the church or a church hall and allow people time to travel between them or project the images in a PowerPoint presentation. You could print the woodcuts in A4, A3 or even take them to a printer to print A1. You might have a public facing space, or an outside space where you wish to display them.
Eco-Congregation Scotland have a range of resources themed around ‘Lent a Time to Change Direction' including videos, prayers and worship material available on their website.
Stockbridge Parish Church in Edinburgh will host Sanctuary First's ‘Windows on the Resurrection' art installation from Wednesday 14 – Wednesday 21 February.
Twelve people involved with Sanctuary First painted a window and each recorded a prayer to accompany it. Each depicts a different scene from the story of the Resurrection of Christ. Together with an ambient soundscape it hopes to invite people into an immersive spiritual experience, through light, sound and art.
Christian Aid are inviting people to sign-up to their ‘Prayer and Worship' email. They also have resources for schools.
For more information about Christian Aid's Lent Appeal including their 2024 Lent Course, Act on Poverty and ‘Count Your Blessings which focuses on 40 small steps you can do to help make the world better, go to the Lent section of their website.
Starting on Thursday 15 February, churches in Shetland will be holding an ecumenical weekly prayer, study and worship session on Zoom called ‘Sunshine and Showers: Prayer's beautiful messiness'.
For those interested in taking part, please contact the Shetland Methodist District for more information.
If you would like to share how your church is marking Lent please email mediarelations@churchofscotland.org.uk