New Ordained Local Minister for Dalmuir
Published on 27 September 2023 1 minute read
Rev Steven Henderson was ordained and introduced as an Ordained Local Minister at Dalmuir Barclay Church yesterday evening.
Mr Henderson, 50, who is married with two daughters, said his ordination "feels amazing, fulfilling, nerve-wracking and terrifying all at once."

"It's the end of the chapter of initial ministerial formation and the beginning of a new chapter in service to God and service to congregations as I work with them to serve God in their communities," he said.
"It's the culmination of three years of work made harder through the pandemic; it's the amazing fellowship of my friends who are the probation class of 2022/2023.
"It's a mark of gratitude to my family who have supported, and continue to support me, as I respond to God. It's the moment that tells me I'm where God needs me to be.
"This is a difficult time for the Church and its membership; it's an unsettling time for the Church and its membership.
"But if working together we can bring the love of God, the presence of Jesus and the friendship of the Holy Spirit into the lives of those around us, if we can bring the sense of revival into our Church, then we will have achieved everything and more than I could hope for."
Mr Henderson will serve at Dalmuir Barclay Church linked with Clydebank Waterfront.