Join Eco-Congregation Scotland on Lent journey
Published on 22 February 2023
As we mark the beginning of Lent, we join Rev David Coleman, environmental chaplain with our partner organisation Eco-Congregation Scotland for the first in a series of five video reflections.
Each of the videos – one for each week of Lent – can be used to complement or take the place of a sermon on Lent readings, or as a discussion starter for study groups.

Taking the theme "From the Tree to the Tree", Mr Coleman begins the first of his reflections at Ormiston Yew in East Lothian where John Knox, seen as the founding father of the Church of Scotland, would conduct outdoor services almost 500 years ago.
In keeping with the theme, Eco-Congregation Scotland will also be planting a tree for each of the five reflections with charity Trees For Life.
Mr Coleman said: "This year's lectionary takes us from the outstandingly beautiful tree of the Garden of Eden, which was misused on the bad advice of the serpent who sows the seed of doubt in God's goodness, to the tree on which Jesus was crucified.
"Trees in scripture are the place of meetings and even of meeting God, as well as giving life and fruit and providing habitat for fellow creatures. It's in the heritage of the churches that despite their abuse as an instrument of torture, the Cross is always also a tree. From which comes healing.
"In travelling around Scotland I've been struck by the majesty of those trees who have been allowed to be: how they've clung on to life through centuries.
"The series isn't a catalogue of trees, but the theme is a staring point which rebels against any presentation of the Gospel which excludes our kinship with fellow creatures."
Further lectionary-based videos will include reflections filmed at Whitelee Windfarm near Eaglesham and the Tarmachan ridge in Highland Perthshire.
Other ways to mark Lent 2023
Our Weekly Worship materials will also contain material that can be used for worship in all settings as Christians mark the 40-days before Easter, including a reflection for the first Sunday in Lent from Phil Mellstrom, worship development worker with the Church of Scotland's Faith Action Team.
An archive of resources for daily worship can also be found on the website of Sanctuary First, a Church of Scotland online worshipping community.
You can also find special prayers for Lent and details of an online Lent retreat at the Ignatian Spirituality Centre website.
What are your congregation or church group planning to do to mark this year's season of Lent? Please tag us on Facebook or Twitter or email us at — we always love to hear what you're up to.