Conversations in Calling event to take place in Aberdeen in November
Published on 14 October 2023 2 minutes read
Very Rev Dr Martin Fair, who is part of the Towards Ministry team, writes about their next upcoming event taking place in Aberdeen on Saturday 4 November.

Back in 1987, Fleetwood Mac released a song called 'Everywhere' which starts with the line: ‘Can you hear me calling, out your name?' And a little further on there are these lines: ‘I'll speak a little louder, I'll even shout'.
God has always been in the business of calling – calling Abraham to step out in faith, all the way to Jesus calling the first disciples to follow him from the shore of Lake Galilee. And the good news is that God is still calling!
In this matter, God doesn't issue a random call for volunteers. As in the words of the song, God's call is by name. But just as the Old Testament prophet, Samuel, was slow to understand that it was God who was calling his name, and just as Jonah heard but chose to run in the opposite direction, maybe it is that God has cause to ‘speak a little louder' to get our attention.
Is it something that you've sensed but ignored, or put to the back of your mind? Or do you know someone who you're pretty sure should be considering a call to ministry but who perhaps doesn't yet see it?
The Church of Scotland's Towards Ministry team is on hand to support anyone who may have even the slightest inkling that God might be calling them to one of the various ministries of the Church, and to service in the broadest sense. Following the success of their first Celebrating Calling event held in August in Hamilton, the team is holding its next one in Aberdeen on the 4 November. With coffee and chat from 10.30am, the day will include short presentations, opportunities to meet with people who have recently come through training and have now started in ministry, and seminars through which information will be offered and questions answered. All that together with worship and prayer and a sandwich and traybake lunch, and a finish by 3pm.
The event will be held in Fountainhall Church at the Cross, Albyn Place, AB10 1YN. You can show up on the day, if making a last minute decision, but you're encouraged to register and you can do that by emailing or by phoning the Towards Ministry team on 0131 225 5722.
And following the Aberdeen event, a brand-new opportunity: Conversations in Calling online groups. Four Monday evenings starting on 6 November. Come along if you'd like to join others to chat about calling – your anxieties, your excitement, your trepidation, your questions, perhaps the inner sense that won't go away. Further details to follow.
Maybe it is God who is saying: ‘Can you hear me calling, out your name?'
Is it time for you to do something about it?