An Advent prayer by Rev Elsie Macrae
Published on 10 December 2023 43 seconds read
An Advent prayer by Rev Elsie Macrae, minister of Upper Annandale Parish Church in Dumfries and Galloway, as we mark the second Sunday of Advent.

Oh Holy are you oh God,
you assure us with your message ' Do not be afraid',
indeed Lord you bring us good news.
Holy are you, wonder of wonders, for your beloved reigns in peace,
you set aside your glory and you always load us with the riches of your grace.
Holy are you oh God,
you lead us beside quiet waters and quieten our noisy lives so we might hang unto your word of joy.
As we celebrate your Chosen one, prepare us to listen with our lives.
Speak to us Lord and enable us to share joy to all your people.