Talking Ministry: “Whatever your gifts, God can use them”
Published on 15 January 2021
A minister has described his role as the "most life-giving" and challenging call that a person can ever receive.
Rev Scott Burton of Brightons Parish Church in Falkirk district said every day is different, with new challenge.
Despite the ups and downs, he would not change his decision to become a minister of Word and Sacrament for a second.

The 37-year-old is the first person to feature in a new series of in-depth monthly interviews called Talking Ministry.
Reflecting on the role, the married father of one said: "I love being called by God to share him with people, whether that is preaching his Word on a Sunday, sharing with kids in a primary school, young people in high school and older people in the community.
"God is relevant with every age and stage in life."
God given talents
Mr Burton said he relished the opportunity to continually grow, develop and push the boundaries.
"One of the real strengths around ministry is there is no one size fits all," he added.
"Whatever your strengths, your experience, your gifts, God can use them."
Each month throughout 2021, the Talking Ministry series will share a personal story from those serving in Christian ministry, as well as discernment resources filled with questions, prayers and reflections to help encourage your own reflection on how God might be calling you.
You can read Rev Burton's full interview and access the resources for January on our Talking Ministry page.