A prayer for radical change: Martin Fair
Published on 21 October 2019
As the Church of Scotland continues its challenging work on the three-year radical action plan which was approved by this year's General Assembly, we call on those from across the Church to join together in prayer.
This week's prayer is written by Rev Dr Martin Fair, minister at St Andrew's Parish Church in Arbroath.

Living God,
You are the same yesterday, today and forever.
You are constant, reliable, unchanging.
And yet
You come to make all things new.
As we give thanks for all that has been,
and still is,
we pray that You would put within us a spirit of adventure,
that we might be open to what You are going to do
in the days that are coming.
By Your Spirit,
give wisdom to the Joint Emerging Church Group
as they pray and plan for the renewal of existing congregations
and for the birthing of brand new communities of faith.
Set before us a new vision
and open the eyes of our hearts
to see that even ‘these dry bones shall live again.'
Living God,
We give ourselves to what You intend.
Living God,
We give ourselves for the renewing of Your church.
Living God,
We give ourselves for Your glory.
Living God,
We give ourselves in Jesus' name
Each week, from late September until late November, new prayers written by people from across the Church of Scotland and our partners will be shared. Please feel free to change and adapt these prayers to suit your own context. There are more prayer resources available on the Prayer section of our website.