Celebrating Calling - online event
Most of those who consider a call to ministry find themselves asking, at one point or another, how will I know if it's really God calling me?
The Towards Ministry Team is here to help those exploring this question, as well as to walk alongside those who have arrived at the point of greater certainty. If you, or just as importantly, someone you know is at that place in the journey of faith then the team would love to hear from you.
Our next ‘Celebrating Calling’ event is on Wednesday 21 February at 7.30pm and will be online. This may well suit those who are based in remoter areas or who live outwith Scotland but regardless, if you want to come you'll be welcome.
Anyone can attend one of these events which are informal and relaxed and come with a no strings attached guarantee. In other words, you can come and then walk away if you sense that it's not for you. And you can come if the sense of call is strong or not much more than a barely discernible, faint inkling. You can come if this, for you, is brand new or if you've been sensing something for years but haven't as yet done anything about it.
There will be in-person ‘Celebrating Calling’ events in Glasgow and Edinburgh later in the year, with details being announced in due course.
The sessions, whether in-person or online, include personal accounts from people who are now in one of the various ministries of the Church (whether as Readers, Deacons, Ordained Local Ministers, or Ministers of Word and Sacrament). Those who attend come looking for ‘big picture' clarification and seeking information on all kinds of practical matters. No question is too ‘daft' to be addressed. And it's worth mentioning that some attend and discover that they're already in ministry in the broadest sense and opt to continue doing what they're doing in their congregation.
Is this for you? Send an email to ministry@churchofscotland.org.uk and we'll send you a link for the online event on February 21st - or ask to be updated when the next onsite events go live.
How will you know if He is calling you? Maybe it's time to find out.
7.30 p.m.
Send an email to ministry@churchofscotland.org.uk and we'll send you a link for the online event on February 21st - or ask to be updated when the next onsite events go live..