The Central Services Committee
The Central Services Committee is a constituent committee of the Assembly Trustees, reporting to the General Assembly through the Trustees. The Central Services Committee oversees the delivery of central services to departments within the Church Offices, to the Standing Committees of the General Assembly and, where appropriate, to the statutory corporations, presbyteries and congregations of the Church. These include estates management, Information Technology services, communications, Human Resources, legal and financial services.
The Committee acts as one of the employing agencies of the Church and oversees all aspects of staff appointments and staff terms and conditions of service. It is also responsible for negotiating with the Employee Council Committee and bringing forward to the Assembly Trustees recommendations in respect of staff remuneration.
The Committee comprises the Convener, Vice-Convener and Administrative Trustee of the Assembly Trustees and two other Assembly Trustees. Meetings are attended by the Chief Officer, the Solicitor and the Head of HR. Budgetary and financial advice is given by the General Treasurer or a staff team member of the Stewardship and Finance Department.