Adventure activities
Adventure activities should only be organised by utilising the services of organisations with staff/leaders trained and certificated in the specific activity and carrying suitable indemnity insurance for the activity.
Only by using this strategy can there be assurance that suitable and relevant knowledge is available to lead a particular type of activity.
Detailed risk assessments should be carried out. The SG20 Safeguarding Risk Assessment Guidance and the Health & Safety Toolkit produced by the General Trustees can be used to assist you with this.
Issues to consider include:
- Obtaining accurate weather forecasts
- Leaving itinerary details and numbers of participants
- Wearing appropriate clothing
- Using appropriate equipment
- Being aware of any special needs of participants
- Being aware of capability of participants to take part (or otherwise)
- Provision of first aid
- Tidal information
- Carrying mobile telephone or two-way radios
Please always refer to the specialist information available from organisations such as:
- The Scottish Mountain Rescue organisation
- The Coast Guard