Recognising and reporting harm or abuse
The Church has clear written procedures for responding to witnessed, suspected or reported harm or abuse. These can be found in the Publications section of the Safeguarding Service website. The Church's key message about recognising and reporting harm or abuse is:
If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to your Safeguarding Coordinator or, for CrossReach services, your line manager.
Paid staff and volunteers in the Church will use the 4 Rs of Safeguarding: being able to recognise harm or abuse, ensuring that it is reported to the Safeguarding Coordinator or line manager, recording the details in writing and referring on to social work and the police in appropriate cases.
Confidentiality: information about a person who has allegedly been harmed, or is at risk of harm, can be shared without their permission if they, or others, are at risk of harm.