Food handlers and personal hygiene

Charity Trustees must be confident that anyone handling food demonstrates awareness and understanding of good personal hygiene practices.
All staff must wash their hands thoroughly in warm water and have access to soap and a means of drying their hands. Hands should be washed after handling food waste or rubbish, cleaning or handling dirty equipment, visiting the toilet, handling raw foods, and on entering the kitchen.
Any cuts or sores must be appropriately cleaned and dressed with a waterproof dressing. Food handlers must not wear jewellery (a plain wedding band is acceptable) and hair should be tied back away from the face.
Clean protective clothing such as aprons must be worn by all food handlers. Disposable aprons are acceptable.
No food handlers must be allowed to work in or near any food areas if suffering from any gastroenteritis. Food handlers must wait at least forty-eight hours after the symptoms have stopped before working with food again. All staff must be aware of how to report any illness and to whom.