God's transformative mission

The primary source of our income is the generosity of our members through freewill offering
Dave Kendall highlights the importance of stewardship and creative income generation in mission.
Our articles over the last few months articulate the complexities of balancing income and expenditure whilst adequately resourcing ministry and mission.
The primary source of our income is the generosity of our members through freewill offering. We all strive to honour our vows in giving our time, talent and financial resources to the churches work. The Assembly Trustees warn of significant financial challenges, with costs exceeding income, even for vital parish ministry. Under Giving to Grow, charges contribute 50% of assessable income toward their ministry costs and 35% of remaining income until they cover one and a half times those costs to fund Ministry in other places. A flat 10% supports shared activities. A full-time minister costs £51,561; a 0.5FTE minister costs £25,780.It is important in the current financial climate within the church that congregations and members comprehend the true costs of ministry in their area. Prioritising resources ensures the Church can sustain its mission, that our financial practices reflect our commitment to faith, generosity, and community. It demands good stewardship of our resources.
There is often a temptation to see stewardship and income generation as separate from our mission as a church – as tasks we take on only reluctantly and out of necessity to keep the church ticking over. We rush to get these tasks out of the way so we can go back to the ‘real business' of being a church.
As members of Christ's church, we are called to live out our faith in every aspect of our lives, including how we manage our financial resources. Colossians 1:10 encourages us to "live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God". This is not only a spiritual call but a practical one, inviting us to consider and apply God's values to everything we do, and that includes our financial stewardship and income generation.
Far from being tasks we take on reluctantly, stewardship and creative income generation are vital tools for sharing the Gospel and serving our communities. When we engage with these practices intentionally, we're not just supporting the work of the Church – we are participating in God's transformative mission in the world. Whether it's creating new community partnerships, launching income-generating initiatives or inspiring generosity among our members, these actions enable us to grow in faith, expand our reach and bear fruit for God's Kingdom.
To help congregations reflect on their financial practices and explore fresh approaches to sustainability, the Church of Scotland Stewardship Team is developing a new tool entitled ‘Bearing Fruit: a financial health-check for growth' which will be launched in the spring of 2025. This simple and user-friendly resource guides congregations through a series of quick questions on topics like budgeting, stewardship practices, income generation opportunities and giving. Upon completion, it provides tailored advice and resources to support improvement and growth.
We encourage every congregation to take advantage of this tool. Whether you're seeking to strengthen your financial foundations or uncover innovative ways to support your mission, the tool can help you take the next step with confidence.
Generosity at a local level can have a significant impact at a national level. To ensure that The Church of Scotland continues to inspire the people of Scotland and beyond with the Good News of Jesus Christ, we are asking every congregation to prayerfully consider an increase in giving.
Congregational giving remains the cornerstone of our funding. By seeing financial practices as a way to honour God, serve others and grow in mission, we can cultivate a flourishing future for the Church of Scotland – one that reflects the abundance of God's grace.
Take care and God Bless,