John Thomson

John Thomson is a former Banker and Church Administrator with 18 years' experience in the TSB and the Royal Bank of Scotland and nearly 30 years working in the Church of Scotland Offices within the Board of National Mission and the Ministries Council primarily as Chaplaincies Administrator and Presbytery Planning Secretary.
He previously served as a Member Nominated Trustee of the Staff Scheme between 2014 and 2020 where he gained valuable insights into the workings of a major final salary pension scheme. John began his second term in the same role in November 2023.
John is an Officer in the Boys' Brigade where he has served as a Company Captain for 12 years and is currently a Trustee and Treasurer of the Falkirk & District Battalion. He has previously served as a Congregational Treasurer in Falkirk and has been an elder in Zetland Parish Church, Grangemouth since 2011.. He lists his hobbies as watching Falkirk Football Club, walking, local history and spending most of his spare time with his family including four young grand children.