Privacy Notice Journeying With New Scots Event – Photograph Media Consent
Church of Scotland Faith Action Department is providing you with this information to comply with data protection law and to ensure that you are fully informed and we are transparent in how we collect and use your personal data.
Who is collecting the information?
Church of Scotland Faith Action Department is the Data Controller. We have an appointed Data Protection Officer (DPO), Alice O'Sullivan, who can be contacted by emailing:
Why are we collecting it and what are we doing with it (Purpose)?
The Church of Scotland Faith Action Department is holding an ecumenical gathering of churches and New Scots for encounter and resourcing.
Attendees will feel confident to take the next steps in supporting New Scots in their communities. Attendees will come away from the event with new and relevant resources that will help them practically engage with the work, and help their churches respond faithfully to the wider needs. New Scots at the event will feel their experiences and perspectives were seen and heard. They will have had the chance to shape the event and will come away with a wider network of connections.
At this event it is our intention to take photographs during the sessions, for use in promotional materials following the event, and in promoting future similar events. This may include fliers for upcoming events related to our work with refugees and asylum seekers, or for worship materials related to this area of work.
What personal data do we collect?
We will be taking photographs throughout the day during each of the sessions. In order to evidence consent of this, we will be collecting names and email addresses of attendees using consent forms to evidence their consent at being photographed. Attendees who do not provide consent will not be photographed.
How are we collecting this information? What is the source?
Photographs will be taken by one of the staff members in attendance. The photographs will be stored on a secure central file system, where only the event staff can access them.
We will be collecting media consent forms with names and email addresses of attendees. These forms will be stored securely in the central offices where only event staff can access them.
The lawful basis for the processing
The lawful basis for processing in relation to taking photographs of individuals at the event is UK GDPR Article 6(1)(a) "the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes." It's important to note that individuals can withdraw their consent at any time.
Who we share the information with:
Photographs will be used on Church of Scotland social media including the Faith Impact Forum Facebook group, Church of Scotland Facebook page and Church of Scotland Twitter feed to highlight the event. Images may also be used on future promotional materials, or new resources pertaining to our work with refugees and asylum seekers.
Media consent forms will not be shared outwith the event team on the day of the event.
Details of data transfers to any third countries or international organisations
Photographs will be shared on social media – including Facebook and Twitter. This means that the images will be available outside the UK and therefore data transfers will occur. The social media used by the Church alongside the Church website are closely monitored by the Faith Action event organisers to ensure there is control over the images. It will be made clear that the images are Copyright of the Church and cannot be re-used by others.
How long do we hold the personal data?
Photographs will be held for two years. Following this the photographs will be destroyed securely following Church procedures.
Do we use automated decision making processes, including profiling?
The Church does not process data in this way.
Individuals' rights in relation to this processing
Individuals have a number of rights under data protection laws. These are detailed here. Not all rights are absolute and some only apply in relation to the lawful basis for processing. For this purpose, the only right that does not apply is the Right to Object. All other rights apply. If you want to exercise any of your rights please contact the DPO at
Please note as the lawful basis for processing is consent, it's important to note that you can withdraw your consent at any time, without detriment to you, this is achieved by contacting who will process your request accordingly.