Privacy Notice Church of Scotland Learning Module Evaluation – Formation for Ministry
Church of Scotland Faith Action Programme Leadership Team (FAPLT), is providing you with this information to comply with data protection law and to ensure that you are fully informed and we are transparent in how we collect and use your personal data.
Who is collecting the information?
Church of Scotland Faith Action Programme Leadership Team is the Data Controller. We have an appointed Data Protection Officer (DPO), Alice O'Sullivan, who can be contacted by emailing:
Why are we collecting it and what are we doing with it (Purpose)?
This module is an introduction to the Formation Framework for Candidates entering into Initial Ministerial Education (IME).
The primary purpose behind gathering this information is to gain feedback on the Formation for Ministry module in order to gather insight on the usefulness of the provision as well as gather feedback that would contribute to the review and improvement of this module. The secondary purpose of gathering this information is to support Candidates in their IME journey through any personal opinions they voluntarily disclose. From the information gathered FAPLT is expecting to be able to:
1. Understand which aspects of this training provision is working well.
2. Understand which aspects of this training provision is not working so well, so that it can make improvements.
3. Better support Candidates in their IME journey through use of this learning provision
What personal data do we collect?
The questionnaire will optionally collect the name of the person completing the questionnaire, it will also collect the personal opinions of the individual. As we collect the special category data relating to your religious beliefs we are therefore processing special category data and there is additional safeguarding in place to protect that data.
How are we collecting this information? What is the source?
Those Candidates completing the Formation for Ministry module on Church of Scotland Learning (which can only be done if they accept an invitation by us to do so) will be provided with a link to a Microsoft Forms questionnaire which will collect the data.
The lawful basis for the processing
The lawful basis for processing for this specific purpose is UK GDPR Article 6(1)(a) "the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes"
For the processing of special category data (religious beliefs) the lawful basis is UK GDPR Article 9(2)(a) "the data subject has given explicit consent to the processing of those personal data for one or more specified purposes".
Who we share the information with:
The data collected is for internal use to enable FAPLT to deliver the best training possible on Church of Scotland Learning. Any information shared will be carried out securely and where possible and necessary the detail will be anonymised.
The Church uses Microsoft as a processor and therefore the data collected in the survey is held on their servers. However, this is all held within Microsoft's UK servers and appropriate documentation is in place.
Details of data transfers to any third countries or international organisations
Not applicable for this processing purpose
How long do we hold the personal data?
Questionnaires will be completed at any time throughout the year, however, the data will be gathered for reporting purposes on an annual basis and then responses will be destroyed securely at the end of the year following Church procedures.
Do we use automated decision making processes, including profiling?
The Church does not process data in this way
Individuals' rights in relation to this processing
Individuals have a number of rights under data protection laws. These are detailed here. Not all rights are absolute and some only apply in relation to the lawful basis for processing the data. For this purpose, the only right that does not apply is the Right to Data Portability. All other rights apply. If you want to exercise any of your rights please contact the DPO at
Please note as the lawful basis for processing is consent, it's important to note that you can withdraw your consent at any time, without detriment to you, if you wish to withdraw your consent at any time please email who will process your request accordingly.