Level 3 Grants
- give you feedback on the idea and send you the full application form and guidelines (note the full application will need to be returned by 2 October 2024)
- or get back to you with suggestions for strengthening your project ideas or recommend you consider a different level grant.
- Level 3 Guidelines
- Level 3 Initial Proposal Form
- Level 3 Application
- Sample extract
- Resources Spreadsheet
Awarded for core funding of projects that have undertaken some research and tested out their ideas.
Level 3 applications follow a two-stage process of which completing the Initial Proposal Form (IPF) is the first stage. Once we have received your Initial Proposal Form, we will assess it and either:
The Level 2 guidelines are helpful for filling out the Level 3 IPF. The Level 3 guidelines accompany the full Level 3 application form
Maximum award is £40,000 per annum for up to 3 years, with possible additional 2 years on further application
Note – Initial Proposal Forms (IPFs) can be submitted at any time but we would recommend that you allow at least 4 weeks between sending in the IPF and the deadline for the full application forms (2 October) as a significant amount of additional information is required in the full application forms.