Asbestos register
An asbestos register should be completed during the initial inspection of the building. Any materials which you are unsure about or unable to access in the building should be presumed to contain ACM.
Please refer to the example register document to familiarise yourself with the information that should be included.
Note down the condition and use the information below to identify the actions required. Also note the estimated amount of materials that might contain asbestos. e.g. 20sq meters of roof lining.

Good condition
- The condition of the material should be monitored at regular intervals
- Where practical, the material should be labelled
- Inform the contractor and any other worker likely to work on or disturb the material
Minor damage
- The material should be repaired and/or encapsulated
- The condition of the material should be monitored at regular intervals. Where practical, the material should be labelled
- Inform the contractor and any other worker likely to work on or disturb the material.
Poor condition
Asbestos in poor condition should be removed
Where you can't get access, e.g. roof void, under flooring wall cavities, presume that these areas contain asbestos.
All materials containing or suspected to be asbestos must be labelled and notices placed on access doors.
The HSE has listed the known types of products that contain asbestos and should be included in the register if they are identified. If you are unsure of a particular material used, you have to safely presume that it contains asbestos until it can be formally identified by a specialist.
Under no circumstances should anyone, including general surveyors or maintenance contractors attempt to, or undertake, any sampling of ACM or any suspected ACM. This must only be undertaken by appropriately trained and competent persons. Please seek specialist independent advice or contact the Church of Scotland General Trustees for further information.