Jesus said, "Some people store up treasures in their homes here on earth. This is futile. The passage of time will eat up any treasure you may store here. Thieves may break into your homes and steal your precious possessions. Instead, place them in heaven where time is eternal, and your treasure is safe."
Matthew 6:18-20
God has blessed us with many good things.
We partner with God as we are led to use the things we have for personal and church growth, to recognise when those things become of no use and to let go to make space for new.
Jesus tells us that life does not consist in an abundance of possessions (Luke 12: 15). That said, our churches should be properly equipped and resourced to meet the contemporary needs of our communities. Do we see the true value of our material goods and can we acknowledge when they reach the end of their usefulness?

Share stories about:
- An object or possession you have a particular attachment to and the memories it holds for you
- A time you gave away a possession for the benefit of yourself or others
- The impact that possessions within your church have on your worship and congregational life.
Reflect on:

- Your own stories and on those you have heard from others
- What it means to be good stewards of our possessions
- The value you place on material things, both within the church and in your own home
- Whether there might be some more effective resources needed to help the congregation better serve its community.
You might consider:

- Exploring which possessions you no longer need and finding them new homes where appropriate
- Undertaking a church wide inventory of possessions and evaluating their usefulness
- Choosing a time when you gather to consider investing wisely in new or existing possessions
- Celebrating and sharing the impact of your Possession stories.
Contact your Stewardship Consultant for support and resources to support this theme.