Jesus said "No one can have two bosses. He will hate the one and love the other. Or he will listen to the one and work against the other. You cannot have both God and riches as your boss at the same time".
Matthew 6:24
We honour God when we use money well.
We partner with God as we are led to use our money wisely, both in our giving and in investing it ethically for growth, as a reflection of the generosity shown to us.
Giving to God is a privilege and allows us to participate in His plan of generosity in the world. People in the early church gave generously to help those in need (Acts 4:34-35), to support other churches (Romans 15:25-28) and to enable mission and ministry (3 John: 5-8).

Share stories about:
- How your background or life experiences have influenced your attitude to money
- How money has been given and used to good effect within the life of the church
- A time when your congregation used its financial resources for the good of the community.
Reflect on:

- Your own stories and on those you have heard from others
- What it means to be good stewards of our money
- How your faith affects your relationship with money
- Where you place your giving to God in your priorities
- How our monetary gifts might better enable our churches to share our faith and serve our communities.
You might consider:

- Choosing a time to evaluate your current personal giving to God
- Exploring additional streams of income or funding for your congregation and its projects
- Looking at ways your congregation could reduce unnecessary expenditure
- Celebrating and sharing the impact of your Money stories.
Contact your Stewardship Consultant for support and resources to support this theme.