In the beginning, the Word was already there. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were made through him. Nothing that has been made was made without him.
John 1:1-2
God has given us intricate and creative minds.
We partner with God as we are led to use our minds creatively, while renewing and nurturing them through prayerful reflection, meditation and ongoing learning and development.
Romans 12:2 talks about transformation through the renewal of our mind. There is a clear connection between thoughts, renewal and transformation. Our thoughts help shape who we are and who we become.

Share stories about:
- What inspires your thinking
- A time when your thinking or understanding was challenged or expanded
- Something that has helped you to develop your mind or improve your thinking.
Reflect on:

- Your own stories and on those you have heard from others
- What it means to be good stewards of our minds
- Your lifestyle and consider the impact – both positive and negative – on your mind and thought life
- How you and your congregation might encourage creativity and healthier minds.
You might consider:

- Choosing a time to encourage creative thinking in your congregation
- Choosing a time to undertake an activity which stretches your thinking and imagination
- Creating space for renewal and to facilitate activities that encourage healthier minds
- Celebrating and sharing the impact of your Mind stories.
Contact your Stewardship Consultant for support and resources to support this theme.