Jesus said "And this is eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent— Jesus the Messiah."
John 17:3
God has entered into relationship with humanity, inviting and entrusting us as part of God's family to be good stewards.
We commit to nurturing our relationship with God, finding time to enjoy God and living out the generous responsibility given to us.
God weaves through all the stories of our lives. Do we expect to encounter Him in our day-to-day comings and goings as much as we do in church activities?

Share stories about:
- How you first met God
- How you meet with God now
- A meaningful time when you felt God close to you
- A significant time when you worshipped God together. It may have been a Sunday service or a more informal gathering or even a social occasion when you came together and met with God.

Reflect on:
- Your own stories and on those you have heard from others
- The various ways others have approached and met with God, both individually and collectively
- How these meetings with God have influenced individuals and the spiritual direction of your congregation
- The importance of fostering an open and constant communication with God.

You might consider:
- Choosing a time when you nurture your relationship with God in a new way
- Choosing a time when you come together as the family of God, making space for creative and varied acts of worship
- Sharing your faith story with someone new
- Celebrating and sharing the impact of your God stories.
Contact your Stewardship Consultant for support and resources to support this theme.