Brothers and sisters, God has shown you his mercy. So I am asking you to offer up your bodies to him while you are still alive. Your bodies are a holy sacrifice that is pleasing to God. When you offer your bodies to God, you are worshiping him in the right way.
Romans 12:1
Our bodies belong to God and our use and care of them should be honouring to God.
We partner with God as we are led to be careful stewards of our physical bodies and to support the needs of each other.
Psalm 139 speaks of God making each one of us in an intentional and wonderful way, describing a Creator who cares about our physical well-being as well as our spiritual health. In the New Testament, we see many examples of Jesus' concern and care for people whose physical conditions impacted significantly on their quality of life.

Share about:
- What the words "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14) mean to you
- Something positive you have done in the last year to improve your own fitness, health or well-being
- Some of the specific barriers to healthy living within your own community and context.
Reflect on:

- Your own stories and on those you have heard from others
- What it means to be good stewards of our bodies
- Your own lifestyle or daily routine and consider the impact –both positive and negative – on your well-being
- How you and your church might help and encourage your community towards healthier living.
You might consider:

- Choosing a time when you come together to participate in healthy activities and invite your community to join in
- Choosing three ways to incorporate healthier activities into your personal routine and note the results
- Reviewing whether your church building is accessible and welcoming for all
- Celebrating and sharing the impact of your Body stories.
Contact your Stewardship Consultant for support and resources to support this theme.