Presbytery contacts
Your presbytery contact: Rose Clayton and Pat Moir
Please contact Pres. Abernethy
Your presbytery contact is: Jeff Brown 01683 220475
Your prebsytery contact is: Fulton Murdoch or call 07719 373422
Your presbytery contact is: Doreen Henderson or 01631 710379
Your presbytery contact is: William Duncan or 01292 440560
Your presbytery contact is: Louise Simpson or 01261812538
Your presbytery contact is: Caithness Pres
Your presbytery contact is: Carolyn Lockhart
Your presbytery contact is Gordon Cathro
Your presbytery contact is: Sheila Boyd
Your presbytery contact is:
Your presbytery contact is:
Your presbytery contact is: Sheena Clark
Your presbytery contact is: Lorna Laughland, 01698 285672
To register for any of the courses listed above please note bookings are made through the presbytery office. You can contact them by email or telephone 0141 332 6606
They will require the name, congregation, email address and phone number of each person for whom you want to book a place. Contact details are required in case of last minute changes, which would only be in extreme situations.
Your presbytery contact is: Adam Dillon
Please contact Eva Will
Your presbytery contact is:
Your presbytery contact is: International Presbytery
Your presbytery contact is: Annette Clunas
Your presbytery contact is: Fiona Corrigan
Your presbytery contact is: John McCulloch
Your presbytery contact is: Sheila Robertson
Your presbytery contact is: Sandra McCall
Your presbytery contact is: Rev Dr Malcolm Kinnear
Your presbytery contact is: John Lamont
Your presbytery contact is: Joan Cape
Your presbytery contact is: Natasha Hepburn, 07539871589
Your presbytery contact is: Moray
Your presbytery contact is: Mairi MacLeod
Your presbytery contact is: Irene Munro
Your presbytery contact is: Sheila Boyd
Your presbytery contact is Stirling Pres
Anyone looking for Kirk Session Training should contact the Safeguarding Presbytery contact directly to arrange a time and venue.
Your presbytery contact is: Jacqueline Templeton
Your prebsytery contact is: Bill Duncan
Safeguarding administrator: Fulton Murdoch
Your presbytery contact is: Alison MacVie
Your presbytery contact is: Stewart Anderson